Develop your diagnostic expertise.
Clinical reasoning from global experts — one case at a time. For free.
clinical reasoning

on expert cases

your students

About the ECR Series

Case-based format
The ECR series utilizes a clinical problem-solving format that allows you to receive and digest information the way it would be received in a real clinical scenario.

Parallel expert commentary
The series includes meta-cognitive commentary from an expert diagnostician. This parallel process allows the reader to understand the framework by which the clinician solves — or doesn’t solve! — the case.

Core concepts explained
We present clinical reasoning concept explanations together with ECR cases highlighting that concept.

Teaching slides
Each case includes downloadable teaching slides with an embedded instructor’s guide.

Community driven
We hope that the ECR website will inspire others to use clinical reasoning concepts to enhance their teaching, and submit their work to the JGIM ECR series.

All content published on this website is free to use. (But please give us credit if our work is used!)
Become an expert diagnostician — one case at a time.
Concepts • Cases • Teaching Materials
Meet the Team

Geoffrey Stetson, MD is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) based at the VA Medical Center. He earned his MD from the University of Chicago, Pritzker School of Medicine.

Gregory Ow is an internal medicine resident at at University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). He earned his MD from UCSF.
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